#custom, #design, #sidetable, #bedside #table, #specialorder, #prototype, #wood, #grain, #stain, #handmade
some little side table projects went recently through the shop. they seem to be small, but they are very special to the owners, on their bedside they will be placed. differences in material, grain, stains, and finishes are a very personal progress with lots of samples, sometimes prototypes...
#custom, #design, #sidetable, #bedside #table, #specialorder, #prototype, #wood, #grain, #stain, #handmade a while ago we started out with some drawings, and with a lot of patience, passion, and several shades of gray we ended up with this layered geometric custom built, walk-in, wardrobe for a private client in White Rock, BC.
#custom, #walkin, #walk-in, #closet, #wardrobe, #asian, #style, #layered, #design |
April 2024